Are you trying to determine which plants are best to accompany Liatris spicata? Several ideal choices can be perfect for this particular situation, but it’s more important to understand why certain plants are suitable to accompany Liatris. By understanding the reasoning, you’ll be able to enhance your overall knowledge and make specific decisions on your own.
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Liatris Companion Plants
There are a large number of plants that can be planted with Liatris. The traditional ‘Ox-Eye Sunflower’ is one of the best selections when trying to find a plant species that can accompany Liatris in a garden setting, along with the ‘Ox-Eye-Daisy. Many people also believe that the ‘Purple Coneflower’ is a great companion to Liatris, mainly because of its similar colors and height.
Natural companions to Liatris spicata in the wilderness may differ from the companion plants that you elect to use within your personal garden. With that being said, many of the selections for your garden will also overlap with natural tendencies for these plant species.
Liatris does best with companions that have similar maintenance requirements and sizes. It also doesn’t hurt the eyes to choose companion plants that have colors that compliment the blazing star’s remarkable vibrant appearance (blazing star is the common name for Liatris.)

Which Plants Are Best Companions For Liatris?
You have already had the chance to learn about the ‘Ox-Eye Sunflower’ and the ‘Purple Coneflower’, which both are excellent companion plants for Liatris. They aren’t the only two plants that are great to plant adjacent to Liatris.
In addition, the Purple Stemmed Aster, New England Aster, Culver’s root, and Eastern Shooting Star are very visually pleasing together. They also have many of the same attributes, including a similar height, size, and color. These plants require very little maintenance and can survive resistantly without too much maintenance. Source.

Which Plants Are Nearly Identical to Liatris?
You might be surprised to learn that there are some nearly identical plants to Liatris spicata. The first one is Liatris aspera, also known as the ‘Rough blazing star’, nearly identical to the traditional blazing star, except slightly taller and varied in appearance.
Then there is also the ‘Kobold Blazing Star’, also very similar to Liatris spicata. While this isn’t necessarily considered a companion plant as much as it’s considered a near ‘clone’, it’s still acceptable to plant these two variations adjacent to one another.
Finally, the ‘Floristan Violet’ blazing star is the third similar plant that shares similar visual appearances and characteristics. While it can’t necessarily be considered completely different, it does serve as an excellent companion to many of the plants we have discussed, including Liatris spicata.
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Vibrant Companion Plants to Liatris
Having a colorful mixture of plants can be important when planting Liatris near other plants. Orange, yellow, blue, green, and white are all great colors that can blend with the unique lavender and purple flower tips of Liatris.
We’ve already discussed and mentioned the ‘Purple Coneflower’ as a companion plant for Liatris, but this doesn’t always work since it shares a similar color texture as Liatris. The good news is that there is also a ‘White Coneflower’ that blends much easier with the purple tips of the blazing star known as Liatris.
Regardless of whether you’re looking for simple companion plants or a visual treat of colors and blends between flowers, you must understand the fundamentals of how these plants complement each other in the wilderness or your garden.
Companion plants oftentimes share similar characteristics, appearances, and maintenance requirements. They usually require similar levels of sunlight, water, and treatment. While this isn’t always the case, you’ll likely notice that some of Liatris’ best companions also grow in the same type of environment, which usually is on nearby prairies and meadows in the Eastern United States.
Liatris can also be a great taller accent plant, bringing its purple and lavender colors out. They are also pollinator plants that attract butterflies. Source.
Which Types of Plants Grow In Prairies?
Liatris spicata is known for its natural tendency to bloom in the Eastern United States, mainly in meadows and prairies. But it’s not the only plant that does so, there are thousands of plants that can accompany Liatris in this type of environment, including several of the ‘Coneflowers’ and ‘Sunflowers’ that we’ve mentioned.
The ‘Rattlesnake Master’ is another common plant that is oftentimes found in prairies near Liatris. These unique plants are native to the central prairies of the North American continent. They have rounded vibrant tips that immediately allow humans to identify them from a distance, also serving as a companion plant to Liatris spicata.
Where Should I Plant Liatris?
Liatris can be used in a variety of settings. It can be used as a border, with its vibrant colors making it stick out, or it can be placed in a mass growing garden, where it will accompany other flowers and plants previously mentioned. As long as it is going into an area that has full sun, it should be able to thrive.
Avoid planting it in shaded areas or areas that are too wet. Liatris does better in slightly moist soil, rather than constantly moist soil. The great thing about perennials is that with just a little care and maintenance they can go for many years.
Want to learn more about Liatris? Check out our Ultimate Guide here.
Related Questions
Is it possible for multiple companion plants to be adjacent to Liatris?
Yes, there’s nothing wrong with multiple types of companion plants being nearby Liatris, as long as none of them are invasive towards the other root systems. It’s common for there to be many different types of plants near Liatris in a prairie or meadow.
Which characteristics do companion plants share with Liatris?
In many cases, visual appearance, maintenance, and size are some of the characteristics that will be shared between Liatris and its most common companion plants.